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Proven Results

House Painting


Vaughan Property Claims Consulting helps insureds estimate and adjust a loss caused by a catastrophe or some other unanticipated event.
We measure and document all damages that apply within the scope of an insured’s policy. This documentation includes analyzing our client’s individual needs as they relate to the loss, and focusing on special policy provisions which address areas such as: loss of use, business interruption, extra expense, additional living expenses, etc.
Our primary focus, however, on a property loss claim is structural and personal property adjustment.

Renovating a House


We first begin by discussing the loss with the insured. We will obtain an affidavit if necessary, and photograph and videotape the loss.
If the loss warrants it, we will engage the services of our structural & geotechnical engineers, architects, designers, and bring in the necessary specialists needed to test hazardous materials like asbestos, lead paint, mold, etc..
We estimate the loss by preparing drawings of both the interior floor plan and exterior elevations, and use construction software to estimate the damage incurred to the property.
This estimate of damages is submitted to the assigned insurance company representative alongside a proof of loss. We then meet the representative for the insurance company and his/her experts out at the property on behalf of the insured. After the insurance company has had the opportunity to assess the damage incurred, we negotiate a settlement that is in the insured’s best interest.

Moving House


In the midst of a structural loss, a great deal of an insured’s personal property can be damaged, and needed to be repaired or replaced.
We have a team of designers and contents specialists who assist our insureds in creating a detailed personal property estimate based off of supporting documentation.
This replacement/repair cost estimate is submitted along with the insured’s structural estimate to the insurance company.

Image by Micheile Henderson


Vaughan Property Claims Consulting operates on a contingency fee basis for loss adjustment. We are paid by the insured as his/her insurance company makes claim payments based on the agreed settlement.
Vaughan Property Claims Consulting does not charge any up front fees, and there is no out of pocket expenses for the insured. A fee percentage is agreed to prior to signing any contract. A contract is then prepared by Vaughan & Associates and signed by both parties.

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